-shouldered - vertaling naar russisch
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-shouldered - vertaling naar russisch

Elanus axillaris; Black shouldered Kite; Australian Black-shouldered Kite; Australian Kite; Black-shouldered Kite; Australian black-shouldered kite
  • Flying with a mouse in its talons. Also showing small black underwing patches visible in flight
  • Mature bird with prey
  • Hovering while hunting
  • Illustration in [[John Gould]]'s ''Birds of Australia'', 1840s
  • Hunting from a perch
  • Immature bird with buff markings



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как компонент сложных слов имеющий такие-то плечи

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  • A pair of red-shouldered hawks, painted by [[John James Audubon]]
  • Red-shouldered hawk call
  • Red-shouldered hawk taking flight at [[Green Cay Wetlands]], Florida

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красноплечий канюк (Buteo lineatus)

black-shouldered kite         

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black-winged kite


Black-shouldered kite

The black-shouldered kite (Elanus axillaris), also known as the Australian black-shouldered kite, is a small raptor found in open habitats throughout Australia. It resembles similar species found in Africa, Eurasia and North America, including the black-winged kite, a species that has in the past also been called "black-shouldered kite". Measuring around 35 cm (14 in) in length, with a wingspan of 80–100 cm (31–39 in), the adult black-shouldered kite has predominantly grey-white plumage and prominent black markings above its red eyes. It gains its name from the black patches on its wings. The primary call is a clear whistle, uttered in flight and while hovering. It can be confused with the related letter-winged kite in Australia, which is distinguished by the striking black markings under its wings.

The species forms monogamous pairs, breeding between August and January. The birds engage in aerial courtship displays which involve high circling flight and ritualised feeding mid-air. Three or four eggs are laid and incubated for around thirty days. Chicks are fully fledged within five weeks of hatching and can hunt for mice within a week of leaving the nest. Juveniles disperse widely from their home territory. The black-shouldered kite hunts in open grasslands, searching for its prey by hovering and systematically scanning the ground. It mainly eats small rodents, particularly the introduced house mouse, and has benefitted from the modification of the Australian landscape by agriculture. It is rated as least concern on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)'s Red List of Threatened Species.

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1. Green-shouldered macaws missing.
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Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor -shouldered
1. O‘Neal shouldered the blame for the earnings miss.
2. It had a long train, and she was bare–shouldered.
3. The tall, wide shouldered Georgia native urged his men to focus on keeping Ayed breathing.
4. The $2 million price tag was shouldered by U.S.–based Rohr Family Foundation and Estonian donors.
5. Mr Prescott remains commendably broad–shouldered when it comes to soaking up abuse.